InIntriguing TimesbyJason WardThe Incredibly Polite Invasion of Iceland in 1940When the British invaded Iceland during WW2 everyone was very nice about itJan 21, 20216Jan 21, 20216
InCurated NewslettersbyJason WardOneCoin - The $4 Billion ScamThe story of one of the largest Ponzi schemes in historyDec 1, 20205Dec 1, 20205
InThe StartupbyJason WardThe plotting versus pantsing novel writing debate. Which one is best?Anyone who has even vaguely thought about writing a novel will be aware of the ‘plotting versus pantsing’ debate. Which is better?Apr 5, 20202Apr 5, 20202
InCurated NewslettersbyJason WardRMS Olympic, Titanic’s Sister Ship, Rammed And Sank a U-boat in The WarNearly identical to the Titanic, she survived numerous collisions and took part in WW1Sep 18, 2020Sep 18, 2020
InCurated NewslettersbyJason WardThe King Of Prussia Hired, Kidnapped And Bred Giant SoldiersThe Potsdam Giants were a regiment of extremely tall menOct 6, 20206Oct 6, 20206
InMac O’ClockbyJason WardMacBook Air M1 2020 For WritersTech reviewers love it but what about writers?Dec 9, 20205Dec 9, 20205
Jason WardThe Gorilla Who Was Brought up as a Boy in an English villageThis is the incredible true story of John Daniel, who was no ordinary gorilla.Feb 5, 202133Feb 5, 202133
InTechnology HitsbyJason WardHow Is Technology Changing the Way We Read?There’s been a lot of disruption but is it for better or worse?Dec 12, 20203Dec 12, 20203
InCurated NewslettersbyJason WardOne Man Turned Tables on Bank and Got Best Credit Card EverDmitry Agarkov literally rewrote the small printDec 21, 2020Dec 21, 2020
InCurated NewslettersbyJason WardWhat Did People Wipe With Before Toilet Roll And What’s The Future?Historic alternatives and the future of ‘rear hygiene’Dec 30, 20205Dec 30, 20205
InCurated NewslettersbyJason WardHere Is the Real Reason Why Photos Are Banned in the Sistine ChapelIt is not about flash photographyJan 11, 202141Jan 11, 202141
InCurated NewslettersbyJason WardNorth Korean 105-floor ‘Hotel of Doom’ Deserted for 30 YearsIt’s a Guinness record holder for world’s tallest unoccupied buildingFeb 8, 202117Feb 8, 202117
InCurated NewslettersbyJason WardReal-life Lord of the Flies — what Happened When Six Boys Were Marooned for 15 monthsThe true story of a group of teens who were stranded on a remote island for over a yearJan 3, 202133Jan 3, 202133